Der neue wanderer (2008)

A journey through Chinese virtual world HiPiHi.

“The impact is hard, the interface is in Chinese characters, the line is slow with difficult downloading. Walking and swimming for days through the dark, on a ground just separated from the water, strange fires all around. My name is Marco Manray here too, and my name on the head is the only identity that remains of my representation in 16 pixels. When people ask me where I come from, sometimes I I answer “Italy” sometimes, “Second Life”, other times “Lost in the metaverse”. ” (Marco Manray Cadioli). Flowers and dragons, ancient symbols and traditional architectures, tazebao and icons of Maoism, these are the coordinates of a journey that Cadioli tells through a video and some paper prints taken from the pages of his Moleskine, in which – compared to his recent artistic production – there is a recovery of gestures and techniques related to manual dexterity. A constant in and out of digital, which occurs by overlapping and continuously grafting new media and traditional ones.”









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